
  • radius
  • range
  • Rate
  • rate of changerate of change
  • ratio
  • rational number
  • Rationalization
  • Ray
  • real numbers
  • real world math
  • real world situation
  • reasonable estimates
  • reasonableness
  • reasonableness of a solution
  • recognize
  • recognize connections
  • record data
  • rectangle
  • rectangular prism
  • reference frame
  • regroup (regrouping)
  • regular polygon
  • regular polyhedron
  • related facts
  • reflect
  • reflection
  • refute
  • regular polygon
  • relation
  • relative error
  • relevant information
  • remainder
  • repeating decimal
  • repeated addition
  • repeated subtraction
  • results
  • rhombus
  • right angle
  • rotate
  • rotation
  • rotational symmetry
  • round (verb)
  • rule
  • Random
  • Range
  • Raw
  • Ray
  • Rectangular
  • Recurring
  • Reflex angle
  • Remainder theorem
  • Repeating
  • Representation
  • Required
  • Respectively
  • Revolution
  • Right Angle-Hypotenuse-Side (RHS)
  • Right Angle Triangle
  • Right Circular
  • Rule