
  • calculate
  • calculate distance
  • calculate unit price
  • calculate volume
  • calendar
  • capacity
  • cardinal numbers (1-10)
  • celsius
  • cent
  • centimeter (cm)
  • central angle
  • chance
  • change
  • charts
  • chord
  • circle
  • circle graph
  • circumference
  • clarifying questions
  • coefficient
  • coherent
  • collaboration
  • combine like terms
  • commission
  • commutative property of addition
  • commutative property of multiplication
  • compare strategies
  • compare unit prices
  • compass
  • complementary angles
  • compound events
  • comprehend
  • conclusion
  • conduct
  • congruent
  • conjecture (noun)
  • conjecture (verb)
  • connections
  • consecutive integers
  • consolidate
  • constraints
  • construction
  • convert money
  • convert capacity within a given system
  • convert mass within a given system
  • convert volume withing a given system
  • convert within a given system
  • coordinate geometry
  • coordinate plane
  • corresponding angles
  • corresponding sides
  • counter example
  • counting (natural) numbers
  • cup
  • customary units of capacity
  • customary units of mass
  • Cartesian Plane
  • Central Tendency
  • Central Value
  • Centre
  • Chance
  • Chessboard
  • Circular
  • Circumcircle
  • Class
  • Class Interval
  • Class Size
  • Classical
  • Clear
  • Clockwise
  • Co- interior
  • Co-axial
  • Coincide
  • Co-interior Angle
  • Collection / set
  • Collinear Points
  • Column
  • Comma
  • Common
  • Common Chord
  • Common Factor
  • Complementary
  • Compound
  • Congruence
  • Consecutive
  • Constant
  • Contain
  • Continuous
  • Contribution
  • Conventional
  • Conversion
  • Co-ordinate
  • Co-prime
  • Corresponding Angle
  • Corresponding parts of Congruent Triangles
  • Corresponding Value
  • Cost / Expenditure
  • Cube
  • Cubic
  • Cubical
  • Cuboid
  • Cuboidal
  • Cumulative
  • Curved
  • Cyclic Quadrilateral